Tuesday 1 February 2011

New Canon EOS 60D Camera

I decided recently that it would be useful to update my DSLR camera. Long gone are the days when you just tried out the new film that was brought out, or if you had money then you may buy a better lens, but with the modern digital cameras it's far more about the sensor, processor, and functions. We now link up to a laptop with a dongle and can send photos to websites from a field. With in camera editing it's easy to send out a quality jpg photo with meta data including the photographers details, brilliant for anything that may be of news interest. Of course you can do this with camera phones too, but overall, they can't replace the all round abilities and quality of a DSLR with interchangeable lenses.

I won't get boring with all the details about the EOS 60D other than saying it has 18MP, full HD video, higher ISO settings for low light photography, and a little feature that is really useful, i can now use my flashgun off camera as there's a built in slave unit. Just set the flashgun and camera up properly and the on camera flash will set off the flashgun. If i buy more flashes it can use them too, so great for lighting subjects without all the cables getting in the way.

The first test for me was low light photography, partly because i really like it, and also because the first time out after the camera arrived happened to be at night. So heres a few early photos........

Taken at ISO 6400 at slow shutter speed to capture movement.

Virtually impossible to take handheld on my old camera without such high ISO settings

Again the high ISO allowed this to be taken handheld without camera shake.

Again the camera allowed me to capture a humerous snapshot handheld

Purple T

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